Hells Angels’ Violence In Newbury Park Bar
The Hells Angels and the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gangs are present in Ventura county. In case you did not know, they are involved in a deadly rivalry. Violence can break out anytime between individuals of the two groups whenever they are close to each other. If you are in the vicinity when violence breaks out, your safety is endangered.
Violence is often visited upon the general public as well, as was the case in the Newbury Park
Take Five bar the other evening.
Go to the
Simi Valley Sophist link for articles on the Hells Angels’/Mongols war.
Company--A Musical Comedy
The First Three Weekends in February.
Link to the
High Street Theater.
Cl;ick on image to enlarge.
Community Theater to Have Their Rent Raised?
This is from an e-mail dated 1/3/06 from the High Street Theater Foundation:
City wants to raise the rent
We were able to delay a rent increase last month, but it will be considered again at a City Council meeting on January 18. Many of us plan to be there to explain how hard it is to break even, and how increasing our biggest expense will make it even harder to continue with our use of the theater for the community. Please come if you can, and make your voice heard at 7 PM, January 18, at the Moorpark Civic Center. Our theme is respectful gratitude to the City for preserving the Theater, now please let us preserve the Theater Foundation.
The High Street Theater Foundation Presents
The Stephen Sondheim Musical
The Theater on High Street; 45 High Street, Moorpark CA
Nine Stirring Performances
Six Evening Performances; 8:00 PM
Friday & Saturday Feb 3 & 4
Friday & Saturday Feb 10 & 11
Friday & Saturday Feb 17 & 18
Three Matinee Performances; 2:00 PM
Sunday Feb 5, 12 & 19
Adults $ 15.00, Kids (under 12) $ 8.00, seniors 10% discount. All seats reserved. Group rates available.
For tickets call (805) 529-8700
Mail your check to HSTF, 207 W. Los Angeles Ave, Moorpark CA 93021
You can also go on-line to www.highstreettheaterfoundation.org
Or www.gotchaticket.com/mm